Clean Up 
Most new construction, demolition and even disaster response efforts begin with the removal of hazardous materials. Trained demolition professionals use advanced technology to purge the site of asbestos, industrial residues, heavy metals and radioactive waste. Whether remodeling a turn of the century office building, decommissioning a power plant or restoring a Brownfield, a demolition crew will safely contain and remove hazardous materials. In cases of natural disasters, police and paramedics often depend on special demolition crews to help contain and neutralize the danger caused by toxins being released into the environment by floods or fires.
Restoring Brownfield Sites
Brownfields are hazardous sites that cannot be used until they have been decontaminated: abandoned gas stations, old dry-cleaning facilities, and long-closed industrial plants. Unfortunately, these areas exist in nearly every community with more than 450,000 sites in the United States alone.
Brownfields are less hazardous than “Superfund Sites” like Love Canal, Times Beach or the Edison Lab, making them great candidates for clean up and reuse. This type of land renewal is the work of the Demolition Industry—work that spurs economic development, makes neighborhoods more livable, and cleans the environment. Only trained professionals can clean up Brownfields and demolition experts have the right equipment, permits, and experience to do it.
The demolition industry has been recycling long before it was the “green” thing to do. Whenever a structure is torn down, its materials can be reused for new projects. Most demolition projects yield a large amount of bricks, scrap metal, aggregates, timers and other reuseable resources. In fact, two-thirds of U.S. steel production comes from scrap metal alone. In addition to freeing up building materials, demolition also frees up land for neighborhood improvement projects like parks, housing, and community centers.