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New episode of Demolition Now available

New episode of Demolition Now available

NDA Director of Government Affairs Kevin McKenney speaks with Andy Levinson, Deputy Director of the Directorate for Standards and Guidance at OSHA on the Safe + Sound Campaign, which NDA is part of. Later, Kevin speaks with Robin Thorne, CEO of CTI Environmental and the Founder of

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Here's how to achieve a zero-injury jobsite

Here's how to achieve a zero-injury jobsite

From Out of the more than 4,500 workers who were killed at work in 2016, one in five of them died on a construction site. It’s a grim reminder that faulty safety processes can be deadly. Also at stake: your company’s reputation, costly schedule delays, higher insurance rates and expensive litigation.

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As temperatures rise in New England, the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reminds employers to protect their employees from the dangers of working in hot weather.

OSHA's message is simple: Water. Rest. Shade. Employers should encourage workers to drink water every 15 minutes, and take frequent rest breaks in shaded areas. Employers should:

  • Encourage workers to drink water every 15 minutes; and take frequent rest breaks in the shade to cool down;
  • Develop an emergency plan that explains what to do when a worker shows signs of heat-related illness;
  • Train workers on the hazards of heat exposure, and how to prevent illness; and
  • Allow workers to build a tolerance for working in heat.
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Bourbon Warehouse in Kentucky Partially Collapses in Storm

Bourbon Warehouse in Kentucky Partially Collapses in Storm

From The Weather Channel. Watch this video of clean up underway in Owensboro, Kentucky, after a storm caused a bourbon distillery warehouse to partially collapse. The video represents the vast differences in recovery work that NDA members perform daily. With proper planning and use of the right equipment, recovery efforts are safe, cost effective and make way for the engines of commerce to continue with minimal interruption.

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NSC Fatigue Cost Calculator

NSC Fatigue Cost Calculator

How much is fatigue costing the workplace? The National Safety Council has teamed with Brigham and Women's Hospital to develop an easy-to-use online tool, where employers can receive a tailored estimate of how much fatigue is costing their bottom line. The calculator will estimate how much of the burden can be avoided with programs implemented in the workplace.

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Rollback of Beryllium Rule Would Stop Under House Spending Bill

Rollback of Beryllium Rule Would Stop Under House Spending Bill

From Bloomberg Environment. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration would be blocked from rolling back a regulation aimed at reducing workers’ exposure to beryllium in the construction and maritime industries under spending language approved by House lawmakers.

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NDA submits comments to OSHA on forklifts

NDA submits comments to OSHA on forklifts

From Construction & Demolition Recycling. The National Demolition Association (NDA), in conjunction with the Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC), submitted written comments in response to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) request for information on powered industrial trucks (PITs), commonly referred to as forklifts or lift trucks.

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Public Citizen, Labor Groups Seek OSHA Heat Standard

Public Citizen, Labor Groups Seek OSHA Heat Standard

From Public Citizen and 111 other safety and labor groups recently called on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to create a federal standard for protecting workers from heat stress, which they say is aggravated by global warming.

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Trump administration proposes safety rule on drug testing, incentives

Trump administration proposes safety rule on drug testing, incentives

From Business Insurance. The Trump administration has proposed enshrining the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s current stance that the electronic record-keeping rule does not prohibit employers from establishing workplace safety incentive programs or post-incident drug testing in a new standard, according to the latest Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions.

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Young's bipartisan, bicameral bill changes definition of full-time employee under Obamacare

Young's bipartisan, bicameral bill changes definition of full-time employee under Obamacare

From The Ripon Advance. U.S. Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) last week unveiled a bipartisan, bicameral bill to update the definition of full-time employee for purposes of the employer mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare.

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