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November 30, 2020 | by: NDA
Demolition & Recycling International (D&Ri) is delighted to announce Holly Price as a session chair for next year’s World Demolition Summit (WDS) in Chicago, USA.
The developer on the Crawford power plant site and two contractors will pay the money to a local health network. An activist calls the amount “chump change.”
The sound of the original 220-foot smokestacks crashing down traveled through the air late last month as demolition crews watched from afar.
The video of the online event, capturing all two hours-plus, is now available.
Massive Meena Plaza complex falls in successful explosive demolition.
November 25, 2020 | by: NDA
To mark the beginning of America Recycles Week, the EPA released an update to its Advancing Sustainable Materials Management: Facts and Figures data report
November 23, 2020 | by: NDA
Explore how demolition industry and local blight elimination programs can communicate effectively with neighbors and neighborhoods.
RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today announced Industrial Revitalization Fund (IRF) awards for the towns of Vinton, Warsaw, and Wytheville, totaling more than $1.4 million.