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October 14, 2019 | by:
From The Wekk In. Sarwate, a mining engineer from Bhopal, has experience in overseeing the demolition of over 200 buildings. He holds a Guinness record for imploding the maximum number of buildings.
October 11, 2019 | by:
Join NDA in California for back to back Foundations of Demolition Management courses November 13-14 and November 15 and be halfway done with your Foundations of Demolition Management Certificate! Both courses will be held at the Four Points by Sheraton Los Angeles, 9750 Airport Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, 90045.
NDA hosted the inaugural meeting of the new Ohio Valley Regional Council, October 10th in Columbus, OH at the offices of Company Wrench. Thank you to sponsor Company Wrench and Council Co-Chairs Drew Lammers and Cam Gabbard.
October 09, 2019 | by: NDA
A new OSHA publication and webpage on leading indicators show how business can improve safety and health programs by tracking workplace conditions and events to prevent injuries or illnesses.
From Construction & Demolition Recycling. Construction input prices fell 0.6 percent in September and are down 1.7 percent year-over-year, according to an Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) analysis of the most recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Producer Price Index data. Nonresidential construction input prices fell 0.7 percent for the month and are down 1.4 percent compared to the same time last year.
From Proposal protects workers by tailoring requirements of the OSHA standards to beryllium exposure in the construction and shipyard industries
From Consutrction & Demolition Recylcing. The National Demolition Association (NDA) has recently launched a new association website. The development of a modern website to enhance communication with members and clearly articulate the NDA brand was a major focus in the association's strategic plan, approved by its board of directors in March of 2019.
October 08, 2019 | by: NDA
From Engineering Record-News. The construction market is cyclical, but the recent growth cycle is in its tenth year, one of the longest on record. However, all good things come to an end, and industry execs increasingly believe that growth will end in 2020.