Associations Support Safe to Work Act
Government Affairs
On: August 31, 2020 | By:
Several industry associations have joined with a host of other groups across the country to support what is known as the Safe to Work Act. S. 4317, which was introduced on July 27 by Senator John Cornyn, R-TX, and was referred to the Judiciary Committee. The legislation (the full text of which can be found here) was introduced as the “Safeguarding America’s Frontline Employees to Offer Work Opportunities Required to Kickstart the Economy Act,” to lessen the burdens on interstate commerce by discouraging COVID-19-related lawsuits, while allowing businesses to obtain “complete relief.” The legislation calls for liability limitations for individuals and businesses, health care providers, and others during the coronavirus public health emergency. One section addresses the “applicability of the targeted liability protections for pandemic and epidemic products and security countermeasures with respect to COVID–19.”
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