September 21, 2021 | by: NDA
The State of the Municipal Recycling Industry report provides details on today’s biggest challenges in municipal recycling, contracting changes, end market development and more.
September 17, 2021 | by: NDA
Soaring aluminum prices are the latest worry for a construction industry
September 15, 2021 | by: NDA
Decisions made using 'bad data' are estimated to cost construction industry over £63 million in rework alone according to Autodesk FMI report
Consistently high scrap iron prices in 2021 have made harvesting scrap essential and have helped some demo projects get the green light.
The world’s energy portfolio shift is leading to opportunities, and a competitive landscape, for specialty demolition contractors.
September 14, 2021 | by: NDA
Recent dips in commodity prices and more normal labor market functioning should help translate into slower cost escalations and rebounding backlog
Construction input prices declined 0.6% in August
While the potential for trillions of dollars of new infrastructure spending looms on the horizon, America’s construction industry is struggling to even keep pace with current demand for new homes, businesses, roads, and bridges.
The Michigan-based construction firm wants to use the project to connect with clients and recruit workers.
September 10, 2021 | by: NDA
Search this month’s upload which allows members to obtain information for federal demolition contracts via the NDA website. This member benefit provides NDA members with quick and easy access to government work in their area and is updated every month
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